Aviation Maintenance with Electric Tugs - Tractive Power
Understanding the Essentials of Aviation Maintenance
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Understanding the Essentials of Aviation Maintenance

The owner or operator of an aircraft is responsible for the proper maintenance and their aircraft and its engine. Here at Tractive Power, we have a rich vein of experience of working with aircraft manufacturers, with our electric tugs utilised to move large aerospace engines from the factory floor to the units.

In our latest blog, we are going to discuss some of the essential aircraft maintenance that can help prevent engines from not working or requiring extensive downtime.

Four Crucial Aerospace Maintenance Tasks

Here are four tasks that the pilot in command of an aircraft is responsible for –

Annual Inspection – An inspection must be performed within 12 calendar months and authorised by a qualified mechanic holding an inspection authorisation or an appropriately rated certified repair station or by the manufacturer of the aircraft.

100-Hour Inspection – If an aircraft is used to carry passengers for hire, or for flight instruction for hire then it must be inspected within every 100 hours of time in service by either a certified mechanic, a certificated repair station or the manufacturer. Please note an annual inspection is acceptable as a 100-hour inspection, but the reverse is not.

Daily and Preflight Inspection – The operator or owner may conduct a daily inspection if they wish, but the pilot must perform a satisfactory preflight inspection before takeoff, in order to determine that the aircraft is airworthy.

Airworthiness Directives – Commonly referred to as ‘AD Notes’, they provide aircraft owners with information about unsafe conditions. They specify the aircraft or component found to be unsafe by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), and the conditions, limitations or inspections which the aircraft may continue operating.

Moving Aerospace Engines with Electric Tugs

Tractive Power has previously worked with UTC Aerospace Systems (part of Collins Aerospace) on a large scale project, which required the movement of aerospace engines from the entrance to a designated spot within their warehouse.

The driving force behind this project was the need to eliminate the need for forklift trucks, increasing worker safety. Tractive Power designed a bespoke skate system to mount the frames on, and tow engines safely through work areas.

Aerospace Electric Tugs Available Now

If you would like to know more about our range of battery-powered electric tugs, please contact us today.

You can also read our case study with UTC Aerospace Systems.