A tractive unit is specifically designed to lift, push, pull and manoeuvre loads that are too difficult for an individual or group to manage. A man is not supposed to attempt to lift weights that exceed 20kg and a woman should not lift a weight of more than 16kg in the workplace. Employers know that a tractive unit will help them fulfil their health and safety obligations.
Reduce Injury Risks – Why you need a Tractive Unit
Here are some of the risks and factors which can be reduced by using a tractive unit.
Repetitive manual pushing and pulling are high-risk factors to employees’ injury. The risk increases over longer distances. When a frequency of movement doesn’t provide sufficient rest or recovery time, mechanical assistance is needed. This is where a tractive tug is beneficial.
11% of manual handling related RIDDOR accidents investigated by the HSE involved pushing and pulling. 12% more accidents involved pulling rather than pushing. 35% of pushing and pulling accidents involved wheeled objects. If any of these risks apply to your business, you need a tractive unit.
Manual handling around obstacles can create risks by trying to avoid a collision. Starting or stopping loads moving, or even to keep it moving involves increased effort. Slopes and rough surfaces will also increase the amount of force needed. Tractive Power has solutions for these challenges.
Investing in a Tractive Tug Makes Financial Sense
The Labour Force Survey (LFS) indicates that Musculoskeletal Disorder cases account for more than a third of work-related illnesses. An estimated 9.5 million working days were lost due to Work-Related MSDs, an average of 17 days lost for each case. This represents 40% of all days lost due to work-related ill-health in 2014/15.
Get in Touch for More Information
A tractive unit reduces the risk of absence due to injury. Find the right one for you with our Tractive Power Guides or contact us today.